We didn’t stay long as it was a nightmare to try and stay, parking was non existent for and rv, so we just pulled up for a bit and watched the surf.
Then we headed off, we didn’t realise it was Presidents’ Day on Monday, which is a bank holiday to them, oh and it was Valentine’s Day, which meant everyone descended to the coast! We drove for hours, going through all the pretty coastline towns.. Pismo beach, santa Maria, Santa Barbra, which were grid lock, we even got speaking to a local at the petrol station that said weathers not normally this nice for this time of year and not usually this chaotic too!
At this point driving since 11am it was gone 6pm and we were over the milage we budgeted , till we found a campsite ! We had used most of our capacity , water, sewage, hence why we needed somewhere , but also they really seemed to not like Rvs, no parking and no rest areas, made us think we should of used the spare time we had and stayed in Nevada!
Campsite was ok , more like a trailer park, with permanent residences but they too liked to charge for everything, I.e the Internet , which was pointless.
Owell, I cooked steak and chips and we watched pirates of the Caribbean , which I’d forgotten how good it was!