Fishing!!…  Or should I say squiding?

Anton from my work is a keen fisher and from the start of woeking together we have tried to arrange a day/night for us to go fishing!, as Kieran loves fishing …

We headed to pyrmont, which is just past darling harbour, lovely to walk and see the lights on the way…


So we sat on the jetty for a bit, but then the tied started to come in, and quiet far…. As you can see in the picture above its a full moon which effects it more, plus it’s the reason for what happened next…

So we moved up and waited…

Then…something started to float and linger round Kieran’s line, thought nothing of it until it started pulling on it as we pulled it up we quickly realised it was a squid!… 

The first time of catching it it squirted at us and drop back in, but the second time we caught it!!…


I don’t eat sea food, well other than tuna and cod in batter, so there was no chance I was taking this fella home to cook and anton wasn’t keen either, so we put him back, 

he was a little pissed as soon anton touched him he changed to a grey clour and fanned his fin…creepy, no fish but a fun night! 

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